Calvin Hennick is the current Writer-in-Residence
Hallie Ephron was the Library’s second Writer-in-Residence, beginning in 2023. Learn more.
Joan F. Smith was the Library’s first Writer-in-Residence.
Learn more about her time with the Library.
The Milton Public Library Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence is an aspiring or published writer, residing in Milton, MA who furthers the library’s fundamental mission through the creation of an original piece of work and sharing their expertise through developing and offering library programming.
Dr. Herb Voigt was a member of the Library Board of Trustees from 2012 until his passing in 2018. Herb was a committed Library supporter, both as a Trustee and a member of the Milton Library Foundation. In addition to Herb’s distinguished scientific and academic career, he was a lover and supporter of the arts. This Writer-in-Residence program celebrates Herb’s commitment to libraries and to the arts.
Have ideas or suggestions for programming? Reach out to Regan Mulcahy at rmulcahy@milton.ocln.org
Upcoming Programs
New Year Fiction Bootcamp
Wednesday, January 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 7 PM
If you’ve been meaning to get some writing done, but you just haven’t found the time, join Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick for this three-week Fiction Boot Camp to start the new year. We’ll study core craft elements like dialogue and voice, generate new material, and share our work. Participants can expect to walk away with several exciting beginnings to new fiction projects.
Please commit to attending all three sessions (January 8, 15, 22).
Registration (required and limited) at the MPL Events calendar.
Drop-in Writing Workshop
Monday, January 27th, 7 PM
Do you need advice on a cover letter, class assignment, personal essay, or piece of fiction? Or, do you want to write, but you’re not sure where to start?
Come join our Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick for an informal workshop session. Bring a selection of your writing (up to three pages) – or even just your ideas – to get real-time feedback and ideas to push your piece forward. If time allows, we may also engage in an on-the-spot writing activity to generate new ideas.
Registration is not required for this program.
Writing from Experience
Monday, February 10th, 7 PM
Modeled after previous Writer-In-Residence Hallie Ephron’s popular memoir class, this workshop series, presented by Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick, will give beginning and experienced writers the chance to generate new creative nonfiction. Come to the intro session prepared to write, mining your own experiences for essays that will bring your memories to life on the page. Interested writers can sign up for two additional workshops (February 24 and March 17) where they will share and receive feedback on their writing.
Registration (required and limited) opens on January 20 at the MPL Events Calendar.
Writing from Experience – Smaller Group Workshops
Monday, February 24th and March 17th
Two smaller group workshops for those who attended the Writing from Experience intro session, presented by Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick on February 10, where writers mined their own experiences to write essays that bring memories to life on the page. Interested writers who participated in the February 10 intro session can sign up for the two workshops (February 24 and March 17) where they will share and receive feedback on their writing.
Registration (required and limited) open to attendees of February 10 intro session.
Baseball Card Storytelling & Nostalgia Night
Wednesday, April 2, 7 PM
In the words of Billy Beane in Moneyball: “How can you not be romantic about baseball?”
As Opening Day approaches, join Library Director Will Adamczyk and Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick for a fun, informal evening of reminiscing and ripping packs. As we open up cards (and dare each other to chew the gum), we’ll swap our baseball card stories, which are often wrapped up in our ideas about childhood, family, and Americana. Free baseball cards to all attendees!
Registration (required) opens on March 5 at the MPL Events calendar.
The Milton Public Library is excited to announce that local writer Calvin Hennick has been selected as the 2024-2025 Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence.
Milton Public Library
Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence
The Milton Public Library is excited to announce the search is underway for the 2024 Dr. Herbert Voigt Writer-in-Residence. This position provides the opportunity for a local writer to become more involved with the Library and within the community. The Trustees of the Milton Public Library will be sponsoring this one year position.
The Writer-in-Residence will be an aspiring or published writer, residing in Milton, who furthers the Library’s fundamental mission through the creation of an original piece of work and sharing their expertise through developing and offering library programming. The candidate search will take place over the coming weeks, with an application deadline of July 15, 2024, and the position will run from September 2024 until September 2025.
The position is named in honor of former Library Trustee Herbert Voigt. Dr. Voigt was a member of the Library Board of Trustees from 2012 until his passing in 2018. Dr. Voigt championed library services and the providing of space to explore creativity.
For more information about requirements and expectations, to find an application, and to meet the current Writer-In-Residence Hallie Ephron, and the inaugural Writer-In-Residence Joan F. Smith, please visit: https://miltonlibrary.org/about/writer-in-residence/
About the Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence Program
The Milton Public Library Writer-in-Residence is an aspiring or published writer, residing in Milton, MA who furthers the library’s fundamental mission through the creation of an original piece of work and sharing their expertise through developing and offering library programming.
The Milton Writer-in-Residence Selection Committee selects a Milton Public Library Writer-in-Residence for a one-year term.
The Writer-in-Residence will participate in the following activities:
- Endeavor to complete an original piece of work while in residence that will be presented to library patrons
- Provide up to 4-6 public programs for the Milton Public Library (either in person, or remotely)
- Be available to provide guidance to other aspiring writers
- Participate in activities of the Library
- Receive a $6,000 stipend broken into 4 equal payments
- Report to the Milton Library Director
Dr. Herb Voigt was a member of the Library Board of Trustees from 2012 until his passing in 2018. Dr. Voigt was a committed Library supporter, both as a Trustee and a member of the Milton Library Foundation. In addition to Dr. Voigt’s distinguished scientific and academic career, he was a lover and supporter of the arts. This Writer-in-Residence program celebrates Dr. Voigt’s commitment to libraries and to the arts.