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Cool Tools

The Children’s Room wants to help you learn and read more, whether you’re with us, at home, or at school.

Have a big project coming up? Need an e-book? Use the Cool Tools That Kids Can Use @ Milton Public Library: a set of online, kid-friendly resources that the Library purchases for use from any Internet-connected computer. Excellent for both recreation and research, all you need to use the Cool Tools is a Milton Public Library card.

Click on the icons below to try the Cool Tools now and see how much information can be at your fingertips!

Tumblebook Library logo

TumbleBooks is a curated database of children's e-books for grades K-6.
Trying TB for the first time? Click here for a tutorial on how to use it.

BookFlix logo

Pairs classic picturebook videos with related nonfiction books.

Muzzy logo
Muzzy Club

Interactive language learning in English, French, Spanish and five more world languages.

World Book Kids logo
World Book Kids

World Book encyclopedia content for younger library users.

L'Encyclopedie Decouverte logo
L'Encyclopédie Découverte

French language encyclopedia for kids.

World Book Student logo
World Book Student

All of World Book, plus additional resources for upper elementary and middle school.

True Flix Logo

Science and social studies titles for gr. 3-6, with related videos and more.

Scholastic Go! logo
Scholastic GO!

Nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more, for grades 4-adult.

ScienceFlix logo

Science for the next generation.

Gale in Context Elementary logo
Gale In Context: Elementary

Research content, including magazines, for gr. K-5, with a graphic interface. Formerly known as Kids Infobits. Trying for the first time? Click here for a tutorial on how to use it.

PebbleGo logo

NEW IN 2022!
A kid-friendly, searchable database for grades K-3 that covers a variety of research topics in both English and Spanish.

Novelist K-8 Plus logo
Novelist K-8 Plus

Especially for younger readers, this resource provides reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, for kids in grades K-8.
